International child abduction from United Kingdom to Italy

Legal assistance for British parents by Italian Lawyers

International child abduction from United Kingdom to Italy









If your child has been moved to Italy by the other parent or a relative, without your authorization, we can help you to in order to:

1) report the case to Italian authorities;

2) contact with Italian Central Authority for the Hague Convention of 1980 on civil aspects of international child abduction;

3) apply for your child's return or restoration of your visit's right, according to 1980 Hague Convention and Italian Law.

4) apply for urgent measures to prevent your child is taken to another country;

5) represent you before the Italian court if the other parent contest the application of Hague Convention; 

6) apply for recognization and enforcement in Italy of British court's orders.

For more information on international child abduction in Italy, see also:

International Parental Child Abduction in Italy

Lawyers for international parental kidnapping in Italy

Legal assistance in international child abduction cases in Italy

Specialist lawyers in International child abduction in Italy

International parental child abduction from United States to Italy

Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction

The role of Juvenile Court on International Child Abduction in Italy

When the Italian court must refuse the return of abducted children

Italy increases the fight against international child abduction

Joint Custody of children in Italy

English speaking lawyers in Italy

Italian lawyers for U.S. citizens in Italy

Italian lawyers for Canadian citizens in Italy

Italian lawyers for Australians in Italy

For more information, please contact Italian Lawyers
