Italy increases the fight against international child abduction

Inter-ministerial task force against international child abduction.

Italy increases the fight against international child abduction









The international child abduction is a global plague, that involves an increasing number of families. 

In Italy, there are some legal instruments to fight this problem. In fact, the country is a member State of the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction; therefore, unless the child has not been conducted in Italy from a non-member State of the Convention, a foreign parent is able to obtain the repatriation of the child.

However, despite the information activities on the issue, there is not a full technical assistance by Italian authorities, especially when the child is not easily locatable.

Now Italian government increases its efforts to combat the international child abduction, implementing prevention and assistance in individual cases.

In these days an inter-ministerial task was established with partecipation of officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Interior and Department of Juvenile Justice of the Ministry of Justice. 

The aim of this new team will be to coordinate the necessary activities to prevent and resolve cases of international child abduction.

To know more, please see also:

International Parental Child Abduction in Italy

Legal assistance in international child abduction cases in Italy

The habitual residence of the child according to Italian Supreme Court

Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction

Joint Custody of children in Italy

For more information, please contact Italian Lawyers
