International Child Abduction in Italy

Legal assistance in child abduction cases

International Child Abduction in Italy









Our priority is the abducted child's safety. For this reason, we are able to assist, in Italy and abroad, the parents who report the disappearance, abduction or detention in a foreign country of their children.

Our strategy involves 3 basic steps:

1) Report the case to judicial, ministerial ad consular authorities, in Italy and abroad.

2) Search for the child. Many times, the abductor parent tries in every way to hide the child. In the case you do not know where the child is, we are able to provide full support in the search for him, also using private investigators

3) Application for the child's return, according to the following legislations:

- Hague Convention of 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
- Italian Law
- The law of the foreign country where the child is

The choice of international, national or foreign law, is essential to obtain the return of the child. For this reason it can be done only after a detailed analysis of the case, taking into account the laws of the foreign country, its accessions (with or without reservations) to the Hague Convention and / or bilateral treaties, the time and costs of justice in that State and more.

For more information on international child abduction in Italy, see also:

Lawyers for international parental kidnapping in Italy

Specialist lawyers in International child abduction in Italy

International Parental Child Abduction in Italy

Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction

When the Italian court must refuse the return of abducted children

Italy increases the fight against international child abduction

Joint Custody of children in Italy

For more information, please contact Italian Lawyers
