Violation of family obligations in Italy

Family solidarity and domestic violence.

Violation of family obligations in Italy









Italian Law severely punishes the violation of family obligations. Pursuant to Article 570 of Italian Criminal Code, the person, that leaving the residence home or preserving a conduct against the stability and moraltiy of the family, evades the obligation of family assistance relating to the children or the spouse, shall be punished with imprisonment up to one year or with a fine from € 103 to € 1,032.

Those penalties also apply for the persons who ruin or squander the property of the child or the spouse, or doesn't give the means of maintenance to his family.

According to the Article 572 of Italian Criminal Law, the person who abuses a member of the family or any person living in his home, or a person under his authority or entrusted to him, is punished with imprisonment from two to six years. The penalty is increased if the offense is committed against a child under 14 years.

If the violence causes a serious personal injury, the penalty will be the imprisonment from four to fifteen years; in the case of death, the imprisonment will be from twelve to twenty-four years.

To know more, please read also:

Divorce in Italy

The Alimony in Italy

International Divorce in EU Countires

Family lawyers in Italy

Italian lawyers for U.S. citizens in Italy

International Child Abduction in Italy

What to do if you are arrested in Italy

For more information, please contact Lawyers in Rome
