The Italian Competition Authority.

Appeal against the Italian Competition Authority (Autorità Garante della concorrenza e del mercato).

The Italian Competition Authority.









The Italian Competition Authority (Autorità Garante della concorrenza e del mercato), called also Antitrust or AGCM, is an independent administrative authority based in Rome.

The authority has the power and the duty to monitor on:

- abuses of dominant positions;

- cartels that may prejudice or restrict fair competition;

- merger or take-over operations that exceed a certain value;

- consumer's protection in matters of unfair trade practices, unfair contract terms and misleading or false advertising;

- contractual relations in the food supply chain;

- the application of national legislation relating to the delay in payment;

- marketing of sports rights.

The Antitrust Authority can make investigations, warn and impose fines. In cases of violations of the rules on competition, the fine can be up to 10% of the company's turnover. In case of violations of the consumer protection's regulations, the Authority may impose sanctions up to 5,000,000 Euro. In cases of necessity and urgency, the Authority may issue further protective measures for the protection of general interests.

Against the decisions of the Italian Competition Authority, it is possibile to appeal before the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio (Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio or TAR Lazio), located in Rome.

If you need legal assistance for appeal against the Italian Competiton Authority, don't hesitate to contact us (click here: Lawyers in Italy).

Please, see also:

Distribution contract in Italy

Contract Law in Italy

Termination clause and essential term in Italy

Termination of the contract for non-performance and the notice to comply

Non-compete clause in the distribution contract in Italy

Special court for foreign companies in Italy

Sponsorship contract in Italy

Agency contract in Italy

The obligations of the Agent under the Italian Law

English speaking lawyers in Italy
