Principles of Inheritance Law in Italy

People unworthy to succeed according to Italian Civil Code

Principles of Inheritance Law in Italy









Pursuant to Article 463 of the Italian Civil Code, some people are excluded from the succession as unworthy. They are:

1) who voluntarily killed or attempted to kill the person whose succession is involved, or his spouse, a descendant, or an ascending;

2) who committed against one of those people mentioned above, an offense for which the law provides for the application of the rules relating to the murder;

3) who denounced one of these persons for offenses punishable by life imprisonment or imprisonment for a period not less than three years and the complaint has been declared libelous in a criminal proceedings; or has testified against those persons charged of the mentioned offenses, if the witness was declared false in a criminal proceedings;

4) who, having lost parental care over the person whose succession is involved, has not been reinstated in the parental care at the time of opening the inheritance;

5) who induced, by deceit or violence, the person whose succession is involved, to make, revoke or change the will.

6) who suppressed, concealed or altered the testament by which the succession would be governed;

7) who formed a false testament or consciously used it.

To know more about inheritance law and last will in Italy, please see also:

Legal advice on last will and testament in Italy

How is inheritance distributed in Italy?

The revocation of a testamentary disposition in Italy

European Certificate of Succession and its validity in Italy

For more information, please contact Lawyers in Rome
